4. Robb Screwed Robb
It is the autumn of 1997, and the World Wrestling Federation is at war.
After buying, stealing and blackmailing his way to seemingly unassailable hegemony over the professional wrestling business during the 1980s, the mid-‘90s would see WWF owner Vince McMahon finally discover what it felt like to be on the receiving end of unscrupulous business practices backed up by superior financial clout. The worm began to turn on McMahon in early ’93, when TV mogul Ted Turner made the decision to hand over control of faltering interest World Championship Wrestling to an ambitious young upstart named Eric Bischoff - setting in motion a series of events that would alter the face of the industry forever.
Unlike his predecessors, Bischoff wasn’t entrenched in the southern wrasslin’ culture that had left WCW appearing hokey and dated in comparison to their East Coast rival’s bright lights and family-friendly, larger than life characters. He didn’t think twice about introducing radical changes that would inevitably alienate the promotion’s core fan base, who shunned McMahon’s cartoonish ‘sports entertainment’, in favour of the grittier, more in ring-focused ideals that had been upheld with mixed results by past regimes. Despite an inauspicious start, Bischoff was provided with the resources to begin aggressively pursuing WWF’s top stars, and in ’94 he successfully acquired two of their biggest names in Hulk Hogan and ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage.
Severely weakened by a steroid scandal that necessitated a de-emphasising of the juiced up stalwarts of his company’s lucrative heyday, McMahon turned to a younger crop of talent, labelled ‘the New Generation’, to lead the company in a different direction. However, such was the depth of riches available to billionaire Turner’s camp that even keeping hold of these largely unproven commodities was becoming increasingly difficult, with freshly minted headline acts Kevin ‘Diesel’ Nash and Scott ‘Razor Ramon’ Hall soon following Hogan and Savage out the door. By mid-’96, all that remained were Bret ‘the Hitman’ Hart and ‘the Heartbreak Kid’ Shawn Michaels; and WCW had their eye on both of them.
Shawn defeated Bret clean for the WWF Title at WrestleMania XII |
During a seven-month absence directly following WrestleMania XII - where he had dropped the WWF Championship to Shawn in a 60-minute ‘Iron Man’ match - Bret, soon to be a free agent, became the subject of overtures from Bischoff, who was keen to snatch another prized asset from under his competitor’s nose. Bret was offered an eye-watering $8.4m over three years to make the jump, but instead opted to remain loyal to McMahon and accept a compromise 20-year deal that would net him a far lower salary, but came with the guarantee of a behind-the-scenes role once he was ready to retire from wrestling full-time. He eventually returned to the ring in November ‘96 at the annual Survivor Series pay-per-view, beginning a year of turmoil that would culminate with arguably the most controversial moment in pro wrestling history, the Montreal Screw Job.
In the months leading up to the Screw Job, which took place at the conclusion of a long-awaited rematch between Bret and Shawn at the ’97 edition of Survivor Series, the two men had engaged in a bitter feud that evolved from competitive rivalry to full-blow enmity. Insults that landed well beyond the boundary between storyline and real life were exchanged on a near-weekly basis, as each baited the other with accusations of feigned injuries, infidelity and even homosexuality during broadcasts of Monday Night Raw. Ironically, considering his fondness for referring to Bret as a ‘mark’ who took his TV persona too seriously, it was Shawn who brought attempted mediations to an impasse by declaring that he would never agree to lose a match to his nemesis, which of course prompted Bret to adopt an identical stance.
By the time November ‘97 rolled around, McMahon had decided to renege on the deal offered to Bret barely a year prior. He claimed that the WWF’s financial difficulties were such that he could no longer afford to pay the man he had once again crowned champion back in August, and encouraged the Hitman to reopen negotiations with Bischoff and move on. An agreement was soon reached with WCW which would allow Bret to make his debut one month after Survivor Series, where he was booked to drop the WWF Championship to Shawn in Montreal, Canada. This proved to be an issue for Bret, as his character had developed from archetypal babyface to a nationalistic, anti-American heel, making him simultaneously a villain in the United States and a hero in his homeland of Canada. As a result, he remained steadfast in his refusal to put Shawn over in front of a Canadian crowd, but insisted that he would be open to losing under more palatable circumstances.
The McMahons send their regards |
Exasperated by the situation, McMahon eventually relented and agreed to allow the Survivor Series match to end in a non-finish, granting Bret’s wish to defer relinquishing the belt until they were back in the US. However, at some point in the days leading up to the event, McMahon conspired with Shawn, along with Pat Patterson and others, to double-cross Bret by prematurely calling for the bell when Shawn had him held in his own Sharpshooter submission. What followed will forever live in infamy, as Bret smashed ringside production equipment, traced the letters ‘W-C-W’with his finger in full view of the hard camera, and finally knocked McMahon down with a punch during a locker room confrontation. It would be nine years before he was seen on WWF/E television again.
How, you may ask, does any of this relate to Game of Thrones?
Like Bret Hart, Robb Stark was royalty in his northern home and an antagonistic rebel to those in the South. Already seated as acting Lord of Winterfell, Robb was declared King in the North by his bannermen after receiving word of his father Eddard ‘Ned’ Stark’s execution at the hands of Joffrey Baratheon. Even before poor old Ned lost his head, Robb had gathered his strength and moved towards King’s Landing, with the intention of freeing his father from the black cells and seceding from the Seven Kingdoms. However, getting an army south involved more than simply marching and fighting his way through the continent; and only when it was too late would he realise that the most important battles were fought not on the field, but at the negotiating table.
Despite its harrowing conclusion, it must be said that Robb’s campaign actually started out with no small measure of success on the political front. In knowing that he couldn’t cross the Green Fork river without first securing passage at the Twins, he was wise enough to send his mother, Catelyn, to treat with the elderly Lord of the Crossing, Walder Frey. With her superior experience, both in diplomacy and in dealing with the cantankerous Frey, Catelyn was able to strike a deal which would enable her son to lead his army safely into the Riverlands, where they would lift a Lannister siege on her own ancestral home at Riverrun. Following less than amicable discussions, Lord Walder’s price for aiding the Starks in their open rebellion would be a marriage contract, ensuring that King Robb take one of his daughters or granddaughters as his queen once the war was won.
Inspiration for the Kennel from Hell match? |
It is after the betrothal to House Frey that Robb Stark’s 299 AC (After Conquest) begins to look a lot like Bret Hart’s 1997. In both cases, their greatest and most memorable periods would prove to be their last on the big stage, with Robb meeting a gruesome, arrow-filled end, and Bret suffering a fate worse than a gruesome, arrow-filled end - Vince Russo’s WCW. Despite the misgivings he expressed over turning heel, Bret went on to deliver arguably the best promos of his career during ’97, and being that he was still very much the Excellence of Execution between the ropes, the lengthy feuds he had with the likes of Shawn and ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin are rightly regarded as some of the best of their time. Similarly, Robb’s final months before his betrayal are the stuff of legend, as he defeated and imprisoned Jaime Lannister in the Whispering Wood, lifted the siege at Riverrun following the Battle of the Camps, and smashed Stafford Lannister at the Battle of Oxcross.
A major contrast between the two subjects is that while Bret had the rug pulled out from under him when McMahon revealed his wish to cancel their deal, it was Robb who broke his agreement with Lord Frey, albeit under much different circumstances. While recovering from wounds taken in the capture of the Crag, he learns of the apparent deaths of his younger brothers at the hands of his friend and confidant, Theon Greyjoy; and in his anguish sleeps with a daughter of the castle, Jeyne Westerling. Forever striving to follow the example set by his father, he makes the politically disastrous decision to marry Jeyne in order to preserve her honour, and immediately loses the support of the Freys as a result. The situation is made even worse when, stricken by grief for her murdered sons, Catelyn frees Jaime Lannister in exchange for his promise that he would do all he could to release her daughters, Sansa and Arya, from captivity in King’s Landing.
Having alienated a number of his key allies - so wroth was Lord Rickard Karstark after Jaime was sprung that he slaughtered two hostages, and had to be beheaded himself - Robb attempted to make amends by offering Ser Edmure Tully, his uncle and heir to Riverrun, in an alternative marriage arrangement to House Frey. The compromise was seemingly accepted, with a ceremony and feast held under Lord Walder’s roof at the Twins, only for the King in the North to be betrayed and murdered to the tune of ‘The Rains of Castamere’, which in wrestling terms is Tywin Lannister’s entrance theme. He followed his heart and did what he believed was right, even though an easier and more beneficial option was there to be taken; and he was stabbed through the heart by his own sworn bannerman for his trouble.

Just as Vince McMahon insisted that ‘Bret screwed Bret’, citing his refusal to do business the right way and drop the WWF Championship to Shawn Michaels, so too would Robb Stark be painted as the architect of his own demise by those who conspired against him. In A Dance with Dragons, Rhaegar Frey told the Merman’s Court:
‘Robb Stark betrayed us all. He abandoned the north to the cruel mercies of the ironmen to carve out a fairer kingdom for himself along the Trident. Then he abandoned the Riverlords who had risked much and more for him, breaking his marriage pact with my grandfather to wed the first western wench who caught his eye.’
Both Bret and Robb experienced the turmoil of ‘the human heart in conflict with itself’, a tenet of writing famously espoused by William Faulkner and adopted by George R. R. Martin, and both resolved to choose honour over duty. Each man held a crown that proved to be worthless once it was undermined by anyone willing to operate outside of the established rules of engagement - as McMahon did when he altered the predetermined finish of a match, and Lord Walder by disregarding the sacred custom of guest right, as well as the oath of fealty he swore to House Stark - and were ultimately undone by a misguided belief that others would abide by the same moral code that they themselves followed.
It’s fair to say that had Bret either gone to WCW at the first opportunity or agreed to lose to Shawn in Montreal, and if Robb had followed his mother’s advice and simply put Jeyne Westerling aside and married a Frey, their stories could have turned out very differently. They would, however, have only been swapping the treachery of others for a betrayal of themselves, and likely missed out on the immortality that comes with being remembered as a tragic hero.